Supporter Subscriptions make a Difference!

A massive thanks to all Blantyre Telegraph Supporters this month. Your fantastic £1.79 donations has meant not just getting a whole month of extra, hidden Blantyre news and alerts, but has now been put straight back into the local community!

Yesterday, thanks to YOU, we were able to add another £230.00 to the growing fund for the construction of 2 new memorials extensions at High Blantyre Cemetery which will individually name all the miners and boys who died in the 1877 Blantyre Pit disaster. The Fundraiser is a joint venture between Miners Welfare, Blantyre Telegraph and local resident Jimmy Small. A five figure sum has been targeted to be raised by Summer.

This is just the start of a HUGE week of donations we’re making back to local hugely worthwhile good causes.

Missing out on news? Want to help community good causes? Upgrade to supporter here:

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