Public Thank You

Reader Carmen Wood has written in asking to put up a public thank you in respect of the recent funeral of well known woman Velma Andreini (nee Valerio).

She told us, “A special mention to Father Lamb at St Joseph’s Church for conducting such a fitting service to Velma. The leasing of the Covid restrictions that week enabled an open, full funeral mass  to go ahead, with many of her local friends and acquaintances able to come along and join in. Thanks to all who made this special for our wee family group!

Thank you also goes to the caring staff at Trust Housing at Hunthill Road, Lower Johnshill nursing home, Auchlochan and Joseph Potts Funeral Home. Last but not least, Marion Robertson and Lyn Kelly for “being there” for Velma in so many ways.”

Rest in Peace Velma.

Thank You note; Shutterstock ID 1329200630; Purchase Order: –

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