It’s Game on!

Two Blantyre lads square up to each other tomorrow evening (nothing new we hear you say there!), but no….this time its all for charity!

Blantyre’s Anthony Conroy and Stephen McDade step outwith their comfort zone tomorrow, Sunday 23rd June 2019 and coincidentally have been chosen to fight against each other at the Ultra White Collar Boxing event in Glasgow.

UWCB is hoping to raise £20m for cancer research to combat that terrible illness which has touched so many families. Both the lads are fundraising for the same cause.

Some SERIOUS training has been put in these last few weeks, fitness and diet regimes that would put any professional to shame. It’s absolutely GAME ON! Good luck lads.

The hype is here. The ring is all set. Question only remains…
Are YOU cheering on team CONROY or team MCDADE?!

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